Originally Posted by n0nsensical
I can understand the bomb squad being called in, but it should be a non-story for them to figure out that LED signs are not bombs. If every suspicious package call ended like this there wouldn't be enough reporters to cover all of them. Criminal charges are outrageous; typical politicians looking for blood, anyone to blame but themselves for the world's problems, not that LED signs have anything to do with the world's problems.
Well, in that case, I guess we know the response time is what, two weeks?  But when they respond, they respond!
Well, it's on the same lines as not being allowed to carry handlotion and a lighter onto a plane.(which by the way, I did, inadvertently, when a lighter was shoved into my purse-so much for 'security', but it was nice not having to bum a light at the Atlanta airport!

)I mean, really....hand lotion or shampoo not allowed? If the lighter was discovered, would I have been arrested?
Just make TBS pay reparations for the misunderstanding and personnel time and call it a day....