When have I attacked anyone? Feel free to pm them all to me. That's an open invitation, by the way.
And you keep using this 'victim' word like it's what's the deal.
I'm not a victim, I was a participant. Deciding to delete my participation in a slugfest that got me just as dirty as anyone is, well, my decision.
I'm not the one who has to get over oneself, but I am the one who has to live with the actions I take. And when I feel they're in error, I make reparations. Iif that seems like self-victimization to you, then so be it.
If someone, anyone wants to be seen in a different context, that is certainly their choice. And if anyone wants to develop themselves by using the lowest part of themselves, again, it's their choice.
Changing one's mind is not victimization. Making correction to an opinion or action is not victimization. Holding a personal standard is not victimization.
Everyone is very quick to say I'm this, he's that and then announce 'well, I don't know anyone or care to'...I see hypocracy in that.
I have held the vast majority here in a level of respect, if not actually liking them from what I had seen. And for most, I still do.
If it's not an issue to YOU, why are you responding? Because you're getting defensive and deflective and attempting to justify something that many people turned from in disgust?
No one's behavior was stellar, including mine. And I will not justify it. And I will not allow myself to be or 'play' victim, here, there or anywhere else.
If putting myself on a high horse because (Heavens!!) I have admitted that I was wrong, so be it. I happen to be of the opinion that wrongs should be corrected whenever possible. If you think you were in the right in anything you do, that becomes obvious as well and just might be more revealing than the path I choose.
Either way, I certainly have the right to conduct myself one way and you another. And I don't believe I ever asked you to like it.
Edited to add: How is it that you keep accusing me of 'playing victim' but insist on taking your negative opinions of me public and doing it in now two forums? And for someone who used to be a peacemaker, it's, to me, beneath you. Seems to me you want me to do what you think I should do. Sorry to disappoint.
Originally Posted by Aberkok
I haven't decided for myself whether deleting your posts on C.A. is the right thing to do, ngdawg, and obviously it doesn't matter what I think. I don't necessarily think you should arrive so quickly at the conclusion you did. Maybe it's better to leave them up?
Even though a great deal of them are contained in quotes, I did not like what was staring back in my posts. I got defensive and while many things were posted as I laughed while typing, that's not the whole me- part of the real me, maybe, but it's a small part and, like putting on make-up to both conceal and make things 'better', deleting them was what I felt I needed to do. I simply did not like what I became as the tone became nastier-a part of a mob.
I also did so thinking 'what would a stranger-noobie think of this?' Since the remarks can't be totally gone as they're in quotes, the uglier side is still there, but I had to do what I did for my own peace of mind.
And don't sell yourself short, Aberkok. What you think does matter.
Edit: The threads now require a password (made public if you read through). Since no one in them was in their best-dressed(yes, including me, the 'victim'

) , at least it's a step forward.