Where all of this is going...
As a concept, Concept:Anarchy is interesting. If I had the time, or the inclination I imagine it might be fun to participate in the experiment. Sadly I do not have the time or the inclination.
And that's OK.
I don't plan on participating over there any more than I already have, which was minimal at best. I wish C:A all the best and hope that as a Forum it can ride out this rough period and become a success.
I remember when TFP was young, some four or five years ago. It too, even with its rules was a lot rougher and a lot coarser (filter the politics forum so you can see posts from the beginning and see what it used to be like). Perhaps, this board *has* become a bit stultified. Perhaps it needed a kick in the ass like this, I am not sure.
There have been complaints about the moderation here and there have been applause for the same. Some feel the mods are overbearing and stultifying (or worse that they self censor so to avoid breaking the rules) other see the rules as what maintains the sense of order that allows discussions to remain civil.
I have been trying to figure out why this all feels familiar and I think I finally figured it out. What I am seeing here feels exactly like the big TFP split where a good chunk of mods and members were banned. They were banned mostly for trying to use the TFP to populate one of the mod's own boards. Further, they were openly hostile to members of the forum and specifically Halx.
This feels the same only it has the blessing of Halx.
TFP survived that event because it was largely shoved under the rug (at least as far as the average member could tell). The board went on to get stronger.
Perhaps this *will* shake things up and bring about something new. Perhaps not.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
Last edited by Charlatan; 02-01-2007 at 07:52 AM..