Originally Posted by ngdawg
Being blatantly insulting and mean is not evolution. Let me ask you this-all my guilty posts have been deleted. I think enough of myself to not want to be seen in such a horrible light and I have more respect for myself than to allow it. Of course, many things were quoted, but at least the original complete contents are gone. Who else is willing to do that? Is that what you want new people to see about you and keep it going that way?
In the spirit of evolution and challenge, I'm going to make an analogy to what I do and the spirit of Miles Davis. Miles was very much against editing out mistakes from recordings. If there's one lesson musicians have learned from Miles it's that when you improvise, it's all you and we can project ourselves even through our mistakes. I am proud to say I didn't make any edits on my album. In my journals, I've tried to keep entries about times in Hong Kong when I behaved in a way that wasn't very becoming. I look back on those sometimes and learn a thing or two. Makes me think twice about how I deal with other people.
I haven't decided for myself whether deleting your posts on C.A. is the right thing to do, ngdawg, and obviously it doesn't matter what I think. I don't necessarily think you should arrive so quickly at the conclusion you did. Maybe it's better to leave them up?
The truth is important even when we look back and don't like what we see. Perhaps leaving your posts up would have given important context to the ugliness that went on over there.
To be clear, and you are a friend so I think it's important to be clear, I am not challenging your specific action, but the idea of erasing past ugliness.