Originally Posted by shesus
I agree. The saying like, it gets the darkest before the dawn. TFP boasts about evolution. It has become stagnant for awhile now am emergence of susburban housewives and people with large egos has aided in this lack of evolution. As others have mentioned, people are walking around holier than thou. The thought of C:A being'juvenile, but once it becomes something more intelligent, then I'm all for it' doesn't fly. You want the prize, but you don't want to put any work into it. Have you heard of the story about the hen making the pizza?
How is getting vile 'putting work into something? Once concerns over there were posted about it possibly becoming a 'popularity contest' and words to that effect, the feathers started to fly-people being accused of 'jealousy', of being petty, etc. and when called on those insinuations, instead of having an open mind and think maybe those accusations were off the mark, it got vile. I don't see that as 'work'. I don't even see it as discussion.
Originally Posted by shesus
I don't don't agree with Jorgelito in the open invitation. Not that people aren't welcome, but honestly, the people that are 'too good' for a place that is in its development and 'too good' to be honest with themselves this site isn't for. It's not for everyone and that's fine. Nobody is forcing anybody join, to surf the site annonymously, or even give a shit about it.
It's been made abundantly clear who is 'welcome'. But, here's the thing...it's not a 'club'. As for the statement about being 'too good', those are your words-no one else's and speak volumes.
Originally Posted by shesus
If you don't like it, stop talking about it and get over it. If you decide that you want to take part in not only a forum experiment, but also a chance to possibly evolve, come on over. But don't expect people to censor themselves. There are 'some' serious things over there, but most of all it's a playground. As hal mentioned, we're building it, then we'll decorate it, and then it will be clean enough for other people to visit. But now it's available for you to be a part of from the beginning and you are turning it down. Just stop moaning and judging and either join or leave it alone and stop obsessing over it.
Being blatantly insulting and mean is not evolution. Let me ask you this-all my guilty posts have been deleted. I think enough of myself to not want to be seen in such a horrible light and I have more respect for myself than to allow it. Of course, many things were quoted, but at least the original complete contents are gone. Who else is willing to do that? Is that what you want new people to see about you and keep it going that way?
I'm pretty sure that anyone just coming in from the cold to it, seeing the diatribes would only stay if they too were that vile. Is that what it should become?