Originally Posted by Halx
Losing respect for someone because they let loose in some fashion is as fake as it gets.
So you'd not feel any differently about someone you previously felt a kinship with if they constantly burst into tears at any or no provocation? If they crapped on your desk (or monitor, I suppose, to try to make a better analogy)? If you discovered they liked censoring other people? Restricting sexual expression?Insert any behavior you don't care for/actively dislike here.
Yeah sure, we're fundamentally the same. We feel the same things. It's how we deal with it that defines us as a person. Letting loose is the not problem, it's bringing others down in the process that's the problem, don't you think? Going out and getting drunk and hung over to deal with something isn't gonna hurt anyone else, but getting drunk and then starting a bar room brawl or killing someone else driving drunk afterwards is.