Originally Posted by abaya
Oh, it already has, if you ask me. My feelings towards a good number of people have already changed, and there won't be any going back on that.
And for the record (Pan)... I checked it out a few times, never registered, and am not going back even to look again. Had my fill.
That I respect Abaya. Someone who says, "it's not for me" and walks away.
I've lost respect for some people also.... doesn't mean they are bad people, just means what I expected from them was too high of a standard, perhaps they set it perhaps I set it.... doesn't mean I dislike them, just may not look at them the same way I did before. But such is life and friendships.
It isn't for everyone.... probably isn't for me, but I'm too lost in being able to pass the scriptures of Monty Python and working to get 1 out of many to smile and have a better day for even a brief second, to notice.
Damn, I'm wordy and I don't say anything...... it's official.... I've become a true psycho babbler......