My connection is too slow to view it, but I know the bunch, and trust me; it's not fake.
"God hates Fags" is the tagline of the infamous Westboro Baptist "Church" of Topeka, KS. The Paterfamilias, one Fred Phelps, is famous not only for his insane intolerance but also for filing so many harassing lawsuits against his critics (He was a lawyer before becoming a minister) that he was eventually disbarred. That hasn't stopped the suits, however, since most of his children are lawyers as well.
Several years ago, two of his older kids "went off the Reservation" and told a truly horrifying story of growing up in his house, details of which (such as forcing his entire family, including young children, to compete in Marathons) are backed up by neighbors and members of the community were they lived.
The man is a head-case, but sadly, this isn't fake.