MM, you are one tough "broad", and I respect that immensely. You're right, you know, if I bitch about bitching and tell people that if they pass judgement they should go fuck off...... I should respect their opinion when they tell me to go fuck off....
For the record I was telling people that go to C:A only to pass judgement and complain about behavior to fuck off..... not you necessarily.
I like that in you..... tough, sassy and not afraid to let loose. You're a rare breed.....
Charlatan, I don't see this destroying TFP, in fact it may strengthen it. I see it as a place where people can go let loose frustrations, not take things too seriously and enjoy themselves. And I simply see lines being drawn.
Do I think Daoust and Sheesus and JJ and NG and so on will hate each other and destroy TFP because of what was done over there?
No, I simply see them being upset with each other and eventually those that want to be at C:A will be and those that want to be here will be and those of us who enjoy both places will wonder back and forth.
There is a place and time for both behaviors and attitudes.
Originally Posted by aberkok
Pan, a lot of what you say backfires. Those who protest what's going on at C.A. have obviously hit some kind of nerve and you end up writing large posts telling them to back off. The notion that we all need to "chill and have fun" feels like a stand-up comic at a funeral and while I can tell you have a good heart, you can't deny that feelings are getting hurt over there.
You can't tell me the best advice against hurt feelings is "lighten up and have some fun."
I admit it, even though I haven't been personally slandered there, I feel bad inside knowing that people that I used to respect have been surprising me with the things they are saying...and that goes for both sides of the central conflict playing out. I am hurt. That's what motivates me to write so much here.
I anticipate a lot of "boo hoo, aberkok," from the punks, to whom I say two things:
1.) I'm being honest about my feelings, which is more than I can say for most.
2.) If you weren't behind a computer, I could show you some martial arts moves I learned in Hong your face.
I agree. I am hurt and shocked by what others I respect are doing. But as I stated, I ignore it, move on and do my thing.
I think a lot of it has to do with the power and the "send good vibes" send bad vibes" type structure. It does eventually lend itself to mob mentality.
Doesn't mean I need to get caught up into it.
My posts above are to just try to get some people to realize that it doesn't matter what people think or say about you, just be you, in doing so and opening your eyes to what is truly there you may find more people support you than disagree with you.
If I post there, it doesn't mean I condone bad behavior, it means I like the idea I can post a different way there.... I use a lot of Monty Python there .... absurdity begets absurdity....and maybe people actually see one of my posts and smile while 99 hate them, hate me and attack me. I don't care about the 99, but the one I made smile made my posts worth it.
But in the end it's all opinion..... yes, perhaps I go into length defending what I percieve shouldn't need defending.... but I'm sharing my opinion and why I enjoy C:A.