Originally Posted by pan6467
No if you are going to sit there and complain about it or act like it is juvenile and beneath you..... then why go? My feeling is if you don't like it don't go. If you go just to complain then F* you.
What I see is a group trying to make something and have some fun while playing and enjoying no rules, and another group who wants to turn it into TFP lite and expects the same rules. There it is open and you can explore different sides of yourself.... here it is well moderated and you are expected to act a certain way towards everyone. There it is Wild West... here it is civilization.
Pan, a lot of what you say backfires. Those who protest what's going on at C.A. have obviously hit some kind of nerve and you end up writing large posts telling them to back off. The notion that we all need to "chill and have fun" feels like a stand-up comic at a funeral and while I can tell you have a good heart, you can't deny that feelings are getting hurt over there.
You can't tell me the best advice against hurt feelings is "lighten up and have some fun."
I admit it, even though I haven't been personally slandered there, I feel bad inside knowing that people that I used to respect have been surprising me with the things they are saying...and that goes for both sides of the central conflict playing out. I am hurt. That's what motivates me to write so much here.
I anticipate a lot of "boo hoo, aberkok," from the punks, to whom I say two things:
1.) I'm being honest about my feelings, which is more than I can say for most.
2.) If you weren't behind a computer, I could show you some martial arts moves I learned in Hong Kong....to your face.