Coming full circle
Two years ago I solved all my dilemmas when I came to the elegant realization that some people are capable of letting their pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the universe end with a question while others needed to end things with an answer. One group of people became agnostic while the other attached itself to whatever belief sat at the apex of their reality.
I used to think that I was okay with leaving things open. I remember applauding Bill Maher when he said that we should be mature enough to accept the unknowns in life.
Now I’ve come to a point in my life where the pendulum swung the other way and I am looking for answers yet again. I know this contradicts my previous philosophical views. I don’t care. It feel comfortable with my new journey. Steve Pavlina said that one must experience both perspectives in order to make a judgment. At the age of 26 I am finally dabbing with the other side of faith. I want The Answer. I want something to believe in.
- Mantus