So Anarchy necessarily means that frat boys (or men who still act like frat boys) who think they're soooo fucking funny are free to get their jollies however they like and at whomever's expense they feel like ganging up on that day? And if we don't like it we should go fuck ourselves?
Well, listen, Babe. If the tripe being tossed back and forth over there were funny, that would be one thing. What I see are a bunch of kids sitting there giggling hilariously at their own comedic brilliance while they type whatever dunderheaded, JUVENILE trash that their other half-wit friends think is funny into a computer and trying to call it anarchy. I realize now, in the internet world, if all are given free reign then the goons who have probably been pushed around all their lives and have chips on their shoulders the size of Mount Rushmore are the ones who will "rise to the top." And I suppose, being a charitable sort of person, you ought to have one place where you feel "special." You guys have fun.