Originally Posted by billege
The problem you're experiencing is almost certainly related to the router. It's not just Linksys, and it's not that the router's "broken" at all. It's being killed by connections. What's opening all the connections? Your bittorrent client.
Here's the deal:
"The default firmware for Linksys and most router track old connections for FIVE days then started to clear dead connection, which causes the router to hang when using P2P apps, or any software that generates a lot of connections which the router can't take. DHT only aggravates the situation because of the number of connections it generates."
"Linksys has yet to address this issue due to some reason, but there is a fix. If you use alternative WRT54G firmware, you can put in a start-up script to fix this problem."
First, didn't the Linksys router do that only because that was the default setting for the Linux firewall? They've since switched from Linux to
VxWorks so that's not necessarily true, anymore...
Secondly, this would happen regardless of whether I'd run BitTorrent or not.
Thirdly, there was a time when it had happened and I took the initiative of investigating the matter a little more thoroughly (although, still not thoroughly enough, in retrospect). It turns out that I still had an internet connection but that I had lost my DNS. I switched to a known static DNS and things were fine again. Because it only happened the one time, it's easily possible that this is simply a coincidental and unrelated problem...
Unfortunately (or, perhaps fortunately, depending on your point of view), I haven't gotten the opportunity to recreate any of these problems. I upgraded to the latest (American) firmware (under the assumption that the hardware is the same regardless of region) and I've yet to encounter any of these issues. I may have traded them for other issues but they're subtle enough to simply be my imagination...