Originally Posted by Rekna
While I find these commercials quite funny and consider them a brilliant marketing strategy I have to wonder how apple can get away with being so misleading.
Commercials are by nature misleading.
Originally Posted by Rekna
For example in 1 commercial the PC tapes a camera to his head and said he is getting a camera and the mac says he already has one built in. Many PC laptops already have one built in, it is a matter of personal preference in a PC you have more choices as to what features you want.
Mac did it first and it came with all the software you need to run it as soon as you plug it in. Yes, eventually Windows and PCs are able to catch up to (copy) Mac, but it's fine to suggest that PCs and Windows are lagging behind. It's the truth.
Originally Posted by Rekna
In another commercial the PC has a medical gown on and says he is getting an upgrade for Vista. He implies that all computers will need an upgrade to run Vista. This obviously isn't true in addition what the commercial fails to mention is when Apple releases a new OS (not an upgrade) they don't support any old hardware.... Furthermore apple implies PC stands for windows which it clearly does not. PC stands for personal computer which can run all kinds of OS's, a couple which I would venture to say are better than OSX and more secure.
Many computers will need an upgrade to run vista, as it requires more ram and processing power than XP. The implication is that one PC represented by the guy on the left needs an upgrade, not necessarily all PCs.
Unfortunately, your remak about Mac OSX not supporting older hardware isn't true. They sill have upgrades for the PowerPC processors along with the newer Intels.
Most PCs use a Windows operating system, so the connection really isn't out there.
Originally Posted by Rekna
So what do you think of this marketing strategy? In many countries this type of advertising is illegal. Do you think Apple is being misleading to its customers?
Nope. They are innovators, and they will continue to do so.