Originally Posted by Halx
The benefit in posting there is simply to help get the concept off the ground.
Ah, there is that. Well, I'll think about it. Mostly I just see a bunch of goofing off and slandering over in C:A, so I'm going to wait until it "matures" a bit to see how I feel about joining. Not really worth my time at the moment, sorry Halx. I prefer to spend time here.
I do post occasionally on the "IndieBride" forum (hey, I needed somewhere to post wedding crap--be glad for that, TFP!), and incidentally, they haven't had any mods for a long time. So it's actually pretty anarchical... but since "anarchy" isn't mentioned blatantly anywhere, people run themselves pretty much according to whatever rules they have in their heads for participating in a forum. Which means it's pretty civilized, and most posts are of high quality. Then again, 99% of the members are women, which I think does make a difference in some inexplicable way.