/threadjack to answer Sharon...
Originally Posted by Sharon
is it an issue with you feeling like you're not being honest or authentic when you put on a different hat?
Yeah, you pretty much nailed it with that one. E.g. I would never make it as an actress... not that I don't see a problem with putting on different hats, I just don't have it in me. I also don't have it in me to shift aspects of my personality in different contexts... it feels very awkward when I do so. This is even what makes it hard for me to role-play during sex, in a role that feels in any way inauthentic to me... but that's another story.
As for the professional/personal division... yeah, even that is hard for me, as I mentioned with my teaching. Ideally, I'd like to have a job where I can be who I am without having to fit into some mold or another... and I'm still looking for that job. But I like my place on TFP, where I don't have to fit into anything... I am very comfortable here, for the most part.
Maybe I just don't like the anarchy forum, period. That's all.