I can never vote for Hilary. While I will give you she is bright, ambitious, smart I do not feel that she is worthy of my support. All her talk for years now about healthcare she has yet to ever do anything for it (until she announced her running for president). No one mentions but she used to be on the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart, which is known for having horrible healthcare plan.
I am disgusted by her initial run where her husband gave her a nice gift by pardoning a group of individuals from New Square. That community votes in a block and by pardoning these men they literally bought a whole group of individuals.
It is not like she has done that much for us as our senator that anyone else can do (well unless you want to talk about her useless fight against video game companies). This is just a few small reasons why I dislike her.
Needless to say, it is a no to Hilary for me.