Actually when I went to pickup my perscription, they asked if I had insurance (which I don't). I told my Dad about this pill and he just got his yesterday for $20 per monthly pack with insurance. He's been smoking for about 40 years with no luck on patches, gum, zyban, etc...
I just finished my 3rd week of tablets, so it's been 2 weeks, and I've had 1 cigarette in that time.
The first day was a little tough, but that's just because I didn't know what else to do with my time. A few days later, a friend was smoking, and I just wanted one, didn't "need" one, so had one and HATED it. I felt sick, got nothing out of it, and tasted tar on my tongue which made me even sicker. Since then, I haven't even thought of having another cig.
I went from 2+ packs a day of camel lights to 0. I couldn't have asked for better results than these pills are giving me. I have recommended them to just about everyone I know that wants to quit...
I also loved smoking. Or thought I did... I didn't realize that I really got nothing out of it until just the past week or so..