I've give this to you as I would rate it for myself. I would never be with someone that would cheat on me. The onlything that might save it for me would be the lack of lying. You have only that going for you. That and only that. I might personally be able to accept it continue to know you, but I wouldn't stay in the relationship. If this guy is as good as he sounds then you don't deserve him. I'm not trying to be mean to you or tell you that you're the worst scum on earth, I am only giving my opinion. For me it wouldn't matter if it was a 3 girls or 3 guys or even a mix of the three. Cheating is cheating.
What you have going for you is this. Your man isn't me; therefor he may be more accepting then I would be. Good luck with whatever happens but should it come down to it and he leaves you please understand you deserve it, so don't look around at everyone you know seeking pity. Please also understand something. If he stays with you it's all going to change. You need to understand that you may spend year and years trying to gain respect and trust back for him, because he's probably not going to trust you at all.
Sorry if this sounds mean to you but it's just how I feel. Good luck I guess.
Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father,
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.