Let's see...
Take a small town, with a small town tax base and dump a ton of refugees into it, thereby straining schools, public facilities and the like (how long before teachers are required to speak the language of the immigrants?).
Assumption #1: the refugees have very little money, and
Assumption #2: the locals, who prefer sports other than soccer, are required to provide the funding for soccer. Toss in one other factor: those funds need to come from a pool of workers' taxes, and some of the workers' jobs are threatened by the influx.
People who live in small towns tend to be protective of their chosen lifestyle. That's why they live there. Now, they are being told that the newcomers, who are on the government dole when they arrive, are going to tell them when they can and can not use the same fields they've had for generations. A degree of resentment is less than "dumbfounding."
No wonder they don't display the same legendary tolerance we've observed from the citizens of Quebec.