Originally Posted by pan6467
As long as you feel that way, you have no right to complain about him.... because you support him. Just makes you a hypocrite.
Me? I get my gas at one place (unless I truly have to get it elsewhere because I can't find one).... Marathon/Speedway. But I haven't bought Citgo gas in 2 years, even if it was cheaper (at most it was pennies).
I'm sure Chavez didn't care about me, but if enough say they won't buy.... then he'll take notice.
I am not subject to his rule, my concern has more to do with what future impact he may have on the rest of the world. I think there is evidence to support the fact that the road he is on will be a net negative to his people, and the region. Those that think capitalism is a failed system may think otherwise. I am not complaining about him yet, other than his speech at the UN where in my opinion he disrespected our President.
Originally Posted by roachboy
well ace, this puts me in a nice little high school debate team conumdrum, doesn't it?
if i post again, i am taking your bait: if i dont, you get to say why it is that the thread is adequately framed and that's that.
this time, i'll bite:
essentially the op does not require (or seemingly presuppose) any particular information about venezuela.
you cite a factoid concerning emigration levels and follow it with a general statement about central planning.
this way, even if one were not interested in actual information concerning what is happening on the ground in consensus reality (the empirical world), one could still draw conclusions from the skeletal op and fit them into the superficial nature of the thread.
essentially, what you are asking about is how the readers of the op react to the notion of central planning, about which you provide no information either in general or in particular concerning how such activities are undertaken under chavez and of their effects.
you juxtapose the factoids about emgration levels as if they constituted some kind of evidence that buttresses your apparent contention about central planning.
so as it stands, ace, there is no there there in this thread.
claim access to all the evidence you want--i dont doubt that you have evidence of some kind for something of what you post--but let's not pretend that this thread as it stands has anything like adequate information that would enable a reader who did not already know something about venezuela/chavez to arrive at anything like an informed judgment.
you might as well have simply posted this question:
central planning: good thing/bad thing? explain.
because that's all you're really asking here.
I am open to becoming a better poster. Please point me to an example of an OP that you think is good.
P.S. Didn't you create the cunumdrum you described?