"Kill Doctor Lucky" is a production of Cheapass Games. I've never seen that deluxe version before, but I sort of object to it on principle: the whole idea of Cheapass Games is that we all have hundreds of little pieces and pawns and dice laying around, and they figured they could make just the parts you need to play their game (map, cards, etc) and sell them in paper envelopes with hand-drawn art, and sell them at like $5 a pop.
"Kill Doctor Lucky" is one of my favorites of theirs. "Save Doctor Lucky" is fun too--the same gameplay, but all the actions are reversed. You have cards to make save attempts, and you can only make a save attempt when you're alone in a room with the doctor. More silly humor, same great gameplay.
You also might also try "Deadwood!", which is set in the in a studio that produces cheap Wester movies. "Bitin' Off Hedz" is fun too; you're a dinosaur with a very small brain racing to be the first to hurl himself into the volcano, and biting off the heads of your opponents all along the way. Also, if you can find it, "Devil Bunny Needs a Ham" is a sure winner--the plot of that one is self-explanatory. Also don't miss "Give Me The Brain", the zombie fast food card game. Great stuff.
http://www.cheapass.com (They also have several free games for download to tide you over until your order gets delivered!)