Originally Posted by AfterBurn
Yeah I'm sure the ex called her and complained. But if they broke up, why the hell should it matter? and why didn't she say that yeah she was going to go to the gym with me as friends or otherwise, they're broken up anyway. Why such hate for me anyway?
see, in my opinion this is your mistake. other than as an instructional exercise, don't worry about figuring out why people do stupid shit. he may have just mentioned it to her, he may have given her the 3rd degree over it. people do stupid shit when emotions are involved. regardless, if you're trying to figure out why she did anything she did, it could very likely be that you're caught up in some fucked up codependent game
they are playing with each other. i've seen this shit before. the girl in question
shat in her own closet one night because she was too drunk to make it ten feet to the bathroom. that's not smart. these people don't make the kind of decisions one might expect. they are wily like that. you have limited information. you are likely to always have limited information. what you can say, or at least i can say, is that this shit is fucked up. i'd drop it there and worry about something else.
What happened with the movie thing is that that broke up and I asked her to go to the movies with me as friends, then at the end of the day they got back together and the boyfriend called me and was bitching to me for inviting "his girlfriend" to the movies and how it's none of my business if they broke up. I didn't want this to happen again so I played it safe and called the boyfriend, he was ok with it but she went insane. Does this make sense?
my take is classic alpha male shit. he saw you moving on territory he felt he still had some claim over. it does sound to me like you were making the first moves to get into the panties. how long had they been broken up? my guess is that he didn't consider her to be stale yet. it also depends on how tight you and he are. sounds like you're part of the same circle, but not really tight. that's a tough situation to navigate. i'd say steer clear...but again, her making the move to ask you to gym...i see no way you should feel bad about that in the least, or worry about any of this kgb test horseshit. that sounds like rationalization on her part.
Would it be safe to still be around them? Would it still be ok to hang out with her ex boyfriend, he said he didn't have a problem with any of this since she asked me..Would he also have something against me because of her hate for me?
safe to be around them? you'll find out. will he have something against you? my take is 50/50, depending on whether or not they hook up again. even if he doesn't really have anything against you, they'll probably manufacture some as a part of the bond between them if they're getting it on. its hard to hang out with a chick, when she sees you and says some crap about you trying to get into her shorts. he either gets into an argument with her about how ridiculously stupid her position is, which keeps him from getting laid...or he agrees with her and things move along. pussy trumps kind-of-friend every time.
edit: edit,
Afterburn, i forgot the obvious solution. she was trying to make the ex jealous by inviting you to the gym, and/or making the appearance of being interested in you. maybe she is attracted to you, maybe she's not. regardless, who broke up with whom? particularly if she got dumped, she was looking to piss him off, and/or get him back.