The difference is Ace, people live on far far more credit than your parents did.
There is something wrong in this country and with the system when you can pay the top 1% millions upon millions and the poor SOB that works hard for 40 hours a week can barely pay his bills, can't afford a new car, and if he has kids......
I work I guess in "public service" people I work with have Master's, doctorates, nursing degrees, initials at the back end of their name.
None of the people I work with on a daily basis makes more than $15/hour. That's $600 a week. The average person I work with makes $11.50 an hour. Roughly $450/week. And in this area that is a good wage.
So how do you expect someone to raise a family, buy durable goods like a house or car, save for emergencies, pay bills, feed money into the machine by spending "discretionary funds", basically live? And this area is one of the cheapest areas to live in.
You can't, even 1 person can barely do that, I know, I've been there.
Now the CEO of this "non profit" company and the directors each make over $400,000/year, not to mention bonuses and options.
It's not just our company, it is the vast majority of companies.... actually we're lucky, our CEO only makes 10 times what his average worker does. Most companies the CEO and top level people make 100+ times their average employee.
When the difference is that great there are serious problems in the system.
True capitalism is not feed the people at the top the most and let the crumbs trickle off the table for the rest.... that's Reaganomics.
True capitalism is to put enough money into the workers hands so that they can afford to buy houses, cars, pay bills, and have the necessary discretionary funds to buy goods that keep workers working.
Right now we are on a sinking ship and there is no land in swimming distance. Instead of working to save the ship the rich are swarming the life boats.
Here's how we are doing it: we ship jobs out for lower wages and taxes so that people can afford to buy product to keep the economy afloat.... however, we lay people off because they make too much and they can only find jobs with lower wages.... so they have less to spend.... so we need to ship more jobs out for lower wages so that those people can still buy things.... but we cut more jobs and those people make less..... so we give credit out..... but foreclosures, repos and bankruptcies skyrocket... well we can't have that so instead of being more strict on who gets credit... we just make it harder to file bankruptcy..... meanwhile, decent waged jobs are being lost, factories and business close down, local and state tax revenue falls, education suffers.
So we have people working for less, maxxed out on credit and the kids falling behind other countries...... all the while the rich sit back, never taking pay cuts, getting bonuses for laying people off coming up with ways to save money (i.e. lower wages, take away benefits, etc.).
The gap grows bigger and bigger.
The people buying into the "Reaganomics", this warped view and defend it by saying "find the jobs, work 2 or 3 jobs, blah blah blah" are the ones that live on the credit, have decent jobs and think they won't be hurt.
But then that's what most of the people who are already sinking thought. That's what the vast majority of college students who are berdened with HUGE student loan payments and can't find a job thought.
Most people want to be out of their parents homes by 30...... yet more and more can't afford to be.
The system needs to be overhauled and restructured, the wealth needs to be distributed more fairly.... or the rich will have their lifeboats while the rest of us kill each other trying to stay afloat.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"