Originally Posted by Elphaba
Chavez is using the nationalized oil revenues to improve the lives of the poor, and for that he is considered a hero by the majority of the populace. If he couples this with education and the creation of jobs, he may create a viable middle class which I believe is essential to a functioning democracy. That strategy would strengthen the country, rather than "ruin" it.
The oligarchy that Venesuela once was only enriched the very few and left everyone else in poverty.
I think Chavez was a good leader last year, this year he has done a few things that I don't agree with.
I have no problem with him nationalizing the oil that is in Venezuela. It denied the oil companies (US/UK based) that would have made a few extra billion of profit and leave the Venezuelans in poverty. That is why people high up want the Americans to not like the Venezuelans.
And I have no problem with a concept that profits from national resources should be evenly dispersed among the population. And if it limits your country from growing at the same speed as the US, so what, if the lifestyle of the Venezuelan people is better as a socialist country, I don't see why we should worry about how they handle their economy.