Originally Posted by aceventura3
I should not be surprised by how quickly every problem or potential problem in the world has something to do with Bush. So when Hilary Rodham Clinton is president asylum-seekers won't claim communism as a reason? Is this what you imply?
The comparison of asylum speakers (2000 vs 2006) is the Clinton administration vs. the Bush administration. I'm not blaiming Bush at all, although I do think it's interesting that you seem hyper-sensitive about that. What I'm saying is that it's more likely that the asylum-seekers are trying to game the system because of the Bush administration's dislike for Chavez. I thnk that a similar analogy would be pre-revolutionary Cuban asylum seekers vs. post-revolutionary asylum-seekers.
HRC or ANY following admininstration regardless of party has any bearing on the increase in the (small) increase in asylum-seekers we've seen.