Thread: trance songs
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Old 04-20-2003, 11:52 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Portland
This is a reply to a post I just made yesterday on an electronic music board... their question was to name your top 10 favorite trance tracks of all time :::
my Top whatever I think of, in no particular order (other than the Union Jack & Art of Trance tracks, which, if you have never heard them you should find their stuff NOW, and pay respects to your elders=) :

- Union Jack - Red Herring
without a doubt, The classic trance song of all time, which nearly *every* modern trance and progressive/hard house track owes dept to in some way or another. Even if you don't like trance, LISTEN TO THIS TRACK. You will be shocked by what they came up with over 10 years ago, that is still being used to get booties shaking today.
And it is oooh so beautiful, I shed tears... a masterwork, ...without a doubt...

- Hallucinogen -The Lone Deranger
okay, so that's an entire album.. but it plays like one masterful mind-trip through the cosmos! a gorgeous creation, equal to Brahms, and nearing Bach and Beethoven... if I had to choose one track, I'd say Jiglle of the Sphinx (if for personal reasons than no other)

- System F - Out of the Blue
TOTAL CHEESE! and I LOVE it! it's from "my time", circa 97-98... cheesy synth line, cheesy kick... but it rocked dance floors for many a' party... and would still get the etards ballin if trance were still allowed to be played out

- Infected Mushroom - Bust a Move
from the album "Classical Mushroom" in which nearly any track could be the one listed... just beautiful work. a seamless mesh of classical with modern, and a total abstraction of reality.

- Hux Flux - Calculus from "Cryptic Crunch" album
if you saw them at Phoenix Fest then you know what I mean! FUCK YEA! this is hard, twisted, funky, hosey, trance, twist your mind up your ass like a tortoise in the summer of the 3rd moon cicle of the dream period WHOO YEA! ... and who doesn't love Pac Man samples?!

- Union Jack - Cactus
I yurn to create new memoris for this song. Someone please help me in this venture...
This song is a huge part in why I love Platypus records, and why Union Jack (and AoT) need to play in the pacific NW.

- Cosmosis - Dissociation (Who's about to scream?)
trance for the funky house in all of us... if you like trance, or if you like house... or if you like hard...or melodic.... or even, dare I say, "bangin" - then you'll probably love this track... somewhere around 5 or 6 minutes into the track is where the real magic is at, and I've enlightened many of a' house junkie to the funky of psy with this track. RAWRing BOOTY.

- Art of Trance - Octopus
Classic, classic, CLASSIC, Classic!
why doesn't trance sound like this anymore?! 6a gorgeous trance track that does what it's supposed to do - put you in a TRANCE [DANCE]. I listen to this track and can't help but be put in another dimension... and the Change-up! so ahead of it's time!!! you must download this classic song NOW

That's all...
I know I'm just some doofus that noone pays attention to on this board, but, seriously... if you havn't heard these songs, then you're missing out, IMHO. I havn't met a person yet who's heard them who would disagree that these are pretty much at least a cornerstone of what it "all" comes down to.

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