I like it when ktspktsp bites me in the neck when we're doggie-style, though he hasn't done it hard enough to draw blood. It makes me feel pretty animal-like and held down, which I enjoy.
Threesomes... we talk a lot about it, and I would love to try it. But, as you say Will, I am afraid that it might not be for us, and could weaken our relationship (I am not at the point, if I ever will be, of sex being simply sex... it's always an emotional thing for me). I wonder sometimes if it's just something you either try once and like it, or try once and find out that it destroys the relationship... I guess I am not ready to make that distinction yet.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran