Instead of hairspray, I'd suggest a heat-protective "starch", like Redkin #15.
Then I make big ole sausage curls, making sure to catch the ends, and gingerly pull them off the barrel so that they're all still rolled up, and pin them to my head with big giant pins (look like long toucan bills). I curl it all in what ever pattern I want that night (and curling it different direction achieves different results!), and let it cool completely in the hairpins. Then I finger comb them out after removing the pins, and tease up what needs teasing, add clips, flowers, scarves, whatever.
I've actually been taking classes with a gal who is a talented stylist, and we deconstruct all different styles from the 1940's on, and she tells me how to do it, and I do it myself. We done beehives, victory rolls, generic "sexy" hair, Bridget Bardot, etc. I think I'm gonna go for Ann Margaret next.