I dunno, guys, I can't speak for anyone else, and as I said, I have come to have a good amount of respect for Hillary (I voted for her for reelection to the Senate last Nov) -- but I do remember why I didn't like her before. It was because I was convinced (a) she wasn't genuine in how she dealt with others, that everything she did was carefully calculated and calibrated, and (b) if you scratch through her exterior to look at what's underneath, deep deep down she's got a strong socialist impulse that skews her thinking.
What brought me around was the realization that being calculated and calibrated can actually be useful and help you get things accomplished. Even if she's not genuine, she's smart, she works hard and she's well informed. And she's very talented - in different ways from the way Bill is talented, but talented nonetheless. She'd probably be a good president precisely because she's so careful and controlled. But lots of people would be good presidents. I'm not sure she's right for the country because of her baggage. That said, if the election for Senator was tomorrow I'd vote for her again.