Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If you were sitting in your home, late at night, and heard somebody screaming POLICE as they were ripping your door off of your hinges, what would you do?
the first time it happened to me, I ran out the back sliding glass door.
I wasn't shot, but I was thrown on the ground, hogtied, and asked how it felt to have an assault weapon at my temple. I told them to fuck off, but they just picked me up, one officer by the cuff chains and another by my ankle chains, and carried me to the front of the house and tossed me in the middle of the living room.
the second time it happened to me, I stayed seated on the couch watching my sitcoms while two officers calmly pointed their rifles at my head.
both times I was seething pissed, but neither time was I stupid enough to move for my guns or rifles.
the only time a gang invaded my friend's house, they didn't yell they were cops, they shouted a couple of our names and for everyone else to stay the fuck out of the way. couldn't be in two places at once, I still have my spleen, my friend...not so lucky.
so fuck an internet nutjob coming on here and spouting illogical nonsense ONCE AGAIN and particularly for saying anyone who's ACTUALLY been in either of the home 'invasions' you're spouting bullshit about is a slave to the government, not intelligent, or isn't tough enough to deal with the realities of life and violence.
fuck that noise...and any bullshit that falls out of your mouth from this point forward in this thread.
I usually try to engage you, sometimes I end up blowing you off, but this time you went to far with your overgeneralizations.