I picked this up last Friday and am now about 20 hours in...
I like the gambit system. One of the things that just irritated the hell out of me in the FF series (and all the derivative RPGs) was the constant "you attack this; you heal this guy; you attack this guy; /wait two seconds "you attack this; you heal this guy; et cetera, et cetera... It's nice to just walk up to an enemy and have everybody react the way you want them to.
I have a couple "quickenings" and I like that a lot as well. 20 minute boss fights can be fun, but sometimes you just want to get on down the road and "quickenings" work very well when used right.
No more random battles, which is very....very nice.
My only complaint is the save system. I know, I know...traditional save points and all that, but jeez you have to devote serious chunks of time to get from save point to save point. On the Leviathan...save Ashe, run real fast to commandeer a ship, fight bad ass judge and some lackeys....lose...20 minutes lost...start the fuck over. It would be nice, if I could just save anywhere.
"must have?" I think so. Well worth the $50 I ponied up for it. Although you might run into some issues if your free time is incredibly limited.
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