Originally Posted by dc_dux
Pan identified the one sure three-fer in recent years - Mario Cuomo. Too bad he never got his chance.
I have loved Cuomo since the keynote speech he gave in '84. The question I have always wondered is why he didn't want the Supreme Court when Clinton was president. I think that was his dream, not the presidency.
As for future Dem. power: I see Eliot Spitzer becoming very powerful, I think my guy, Sherrod Brown will wield some heavy power, Andrew Cuomo, may if he can recover from his divorce.
Personally, I think Obama and Clinton will destroy each other, not just the presidential hopes but a total political destruction. From the ashes, we'll see someone fresh and very charismatic, with a very respectable past and character that is almost unflawed. Someone who will be viewed by both sides with respectability, complimented on how fair and honest he works and has the intelligence to know the issues and plans to work them out.
Who will this person be? I don't know, I'd like to say Edwards..... Gore.... maybe Evan Bayh.... someone we all know but I think this will be someone very few outside of his state truly know.
Someone who has flown low on the radar screen. Perhaps, it's a dream.... but I truly see someone like that coming out of the shadows around this time next year.