Mothology: The final five have a definate connection to the traveling Earth colonists, which runs against the timeline we were given in which the Earthlings left thousands of years ago, but the Cylons are only 40-60 years old. I'm wondering if the final 5 might be more supernatural than we had previously been lead to believe. Could it be thery traveled through time? Or could it be that the Earthicans, with their precognative abilities, forsaw the current situation and left behind the identities of the final five to assist the human fleet.
Earth: The fleet knows where to head next!
Food: Did we forget that the reason we were on the planet was to gather edible fungus becuase we were out of food? Oops...
Hybrid: HERA IS BACK, AND SHE BROUGHT CAPRICA!!! I couldn't be happier that Carl and Athena have their daughter back, and Caprica helped them!! I missed seeing Caprica in a role seperate from Baltar.
Baltar: "Welcome back, Mr. President..." *thwak* Awesome. So now we have Baltar back amongst the humans and, according to the previews, in quite a bit of danger. Spoiler: I wonder if we wil get to see the beginning of the trial next week or if they'll make us wait unti; the week after. I can't wait to meet Baltar's representative, with his cape.
Lee, Starbuck, and the people that love them: Lee and Starbuck are assholes. De and Anders are codependant. Yeesh.
Starbuck the visionary: WTF?! What could this possibly mean? Is Starbuck a prophet? Is she a cylon? Will she find Earth? Boy, that was out of left field.
Bye, bye, Zena: Fair thee well. So now there are 11 cylons because the entire model of Dianna was boxed! I wonder if that's going to lead to a lot of 50/50 decisions with 3 cylons going one way and 6 going the other. No more tie breakers. Maybe they can do a secret ballot.
Either way, the wait was waaay to long, and I can't wait for next Sunday (why the move to Sunday?!).