I'm with Charlatan, I don't think I'd tell my younger self anything, because I'm happy with the way things have turned out for the most part. But if I HAD to tell myself something, it would either be:
"Go ahead and get your ear pierced as many times as you want, just wear your hair long so you can hide it for work",
"Go ahead and date Mike, just not for seven years, and leave him in California",
"Go ahead and get that tattoo, but don't get it on your ankle, and add a Virgo symbol... you'll still be kinky ten years from now", or
"Don't get your hair cut so short, you'll want longer hair later... oh, and you WILL get your mother's hips, so get addicted to exercise now".
Don't trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. Oh wait, that's me... nevermind... you can trust me.