Here's the scoop I got this morning from Sirius. According to one of their DJ's, he read in BeatleFan Magazine that the entire Beatle catalogue will be remixed and rereleased beginning this year, 2007. Back in 1987, when the catalogue was first released on CD, the mixing capabilities were minimal, therefore the CD's have needed major upgrading in the past 20 years. With the success of Let It Be Naked and Love, they plan to honor the 20th anniversary by remixing and upgrading everything - including the original liner notes.
I'm jacked.
For a sample of what I'm talking about, go back and compare the CD version of Across the Universe from Let It Be and Let It Be Naked. The latter version is SO MUCH more rich and with so much more depth and warmth to the sound.
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 01-22-2007 at 09:26 AM..