I'm a big dreamer... I dream every time I fall asleep, and I usually remember everything when I wake up (in the first 5 mins). My husband can tell you how fascinated he is

by my half-awake dream-telling in his ear, first thing in the morning...
For the last couple of weeks I've been waking up at 7am with ktspktsp, eating breakfast, then going back to sleep for a morning nap before starting my day. I've found that towards the end of those sleep cycles, whatever I am dreaming turns sour and disturbing. This has happened a handful of times already, and it bothers me... I am always terribly relieved to wake up and realize "it was just a dream." There is nothing recurring, except that I have bad dreams towards the end of the cycle... weird. Maybe my body feels guilty for sleeping in so late, and is trying to wake me up?
Also, the only two actual "theme" recurring dreams I've had are these:
1) I dream about my old house, the one I lived in for most of my life and which my mom sold and had demolished last April. Even though I know it no longer exists, in my dreams it shows up all the time. Most of my dreams about home take place in that house, exactly as I remember it. I lost my grandma just a few months before that, but I rarely dream about her. It's always the house, which was a great loss for me. I guess that is my brain's way of coping with the loss of home.
2) I dream of losing contact with my husband... it's usually on the phone, when we are traveling somewhere and I have to call him or find him for some reason, and he's not there. Then I get very frustrated/worried/sad in the dream. The dream is not about him neglecting me (it's always an accident, the network is down, we just "lost" each other in a crowded place, etc)... it's just more about circumstances that separate us, and I get upset by the end of the dream. I dreamed about this much more often when we were long-distance, but it happens now and again when we are actually together. Another way for my brain to process fears, I guess
Anyway, I guess I don't have any insight for you on your own dreams, but I wanted to let you know how I interpret my common ones I guess. I find it difficult to interpret other people's dreams, even though there are books and all that for doing so.