I work at a food cold storage shipping plant. we ship out orders to stores, gas stations , mom and pop stores and resturants all the time.. we have a dry dock that stays roughly at 74F most the time.. but never below 68F.
We carry two brands of ketchup.. big lake and hinez
big lake only comes in a 6/10# can case.. hinez comes in 6/10# cases, also we have 1000/9gram packet cases, 1000/7gram packet cases, and some heavy as hell little box you hook up a pump to.
I can say that we order palets of this stuff every few weeks .. a full pallet takes about 4 months to completly make it vanish. so yeah it ages. it was ageing before we got it forever how long then from 1 to 4 months after that.. then when ever it gets used by a customer of a business.
so yeah taste varies on shelf life.
It means only one thing, and everything: Cut. Once committed to fight, Cut. Everything else is secondary. Cut. That is your duty, your purpose, your hunger. There is no rule more important, no commitment that overrides that one. Cut. The lines are a portrayal of the dance. Cut from the void, not from bewilderment. Cut the enemy as quickly and directly as possible. Cut with certainty. Cut decisively, resoultely. Cut into his strength. Flow through the gaps in his guard. Cut him. Cut him down utterly. Don't allow him a breath. Crush him. Cut him without mercy to the depth of his spirit. It is the balance to life: death. It is the dance with death. It is the law a war wizard lives by, or he dies.