I'm 50 so here goes...
- always tell the truth - it's too hard to keep up with the lies
- the anxiety about pretty much anything is far worse than the actual thing
- get your teeth cleaned every 6 months and otherwise take care of your health
- floss
- eat right - it may not seem like a big deal now but you'll wish you always did later on
- don't smoke
- take care of your credit
- find somethig you enjoy doing early in life and don't compromise - the worst thing is moving up in something you don't really like, hating your work but not being able to afford to leave the job
- don't make decision, especially important decisions based on emotion
- if it depreciates rent it and if it appreciates buy it
- treat everyone with respect
- do what's right - in the long run it will pay off
- respect nature and be nice to animals
- if you make someone afraid of you they will always try to hurt you
- have a mentor and be a mentor
- enjoy every minute you can with your kids and recognize when it's time to let go
- start saving for retirement, even if it's just a little now and it will really add up later and take advantage of every penny you can get matched on a 401k plan
- don't borrow money with a credit card, that's what banks are for
I'm sure I'll think of more and I'll come back for an edit if I do. Some of these things I've done well and others are here because I wish I had done them better.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.
Last edited by thingstodo; 01-21-2007 at 10:19 AM..