My vote goes to The Shining. I watched it without knowing much of anything about it, and it started at around midnight. My brother and I watched it (we were 16 and 17 or so) and were so scared neither of us said a single word through the whole movie. I stayed up for another full hour watching Sportscenter to try to get my mind straight again.
Another one that has only gotten one mention is The Blair Witch Project. It's the kind of thing where you love it or you hate it, and I loved it. Totally freaked me out.
Rosemary's Baby had its moments but overall I wasn't impressed. Too slow. Although whoever mentioned the tension was right - it was tense the whole way through. Just not tense enough for me, or not enough payoff or something. <shrug>
One other scary thing I saw recently was Sofia Coppolla's performance in Godfather III. Frighteningly bad.