By my count, today is the TFP's 5th birthday. On this day in 2002, I submitted a link to to drive traffic to my dead little forum. The link got posted and hundreds of people started coming to the TFP. I then used the traffic and shaped a community out of it and this is what we have 5 years later.
I'd like to thank everyone for their role in making this the great site that it is today. From the moderators who put in a great deal of their time to making sure this site is top quality, to the donors who have helped me keep this site afloat throughout the years, to the contributors who give this site it's unique flavor, to the lurkers who have the potential to be another great member. Thank you all.
In "celebration" of this lil event, I've created a Wikipedia page for the TFP.
Tilted Forum Project. Feel free to fill out the page with whatever information about the site you'd like to add. I simply wrote up that little ditty just to get the page up there.
Anyways, here's to another five years. Hopefully we can expand some more and grow with the new age. After all, that's what evolution is all about.