Originally Posted by Sharon
- How much do your parents know about your sex life?
- Do they know when you lost your virginity?
- DID they know when you lost your virginity?
- Do you ever discuss sex with them?
- Have you had sex when they were in the same house?
- My parents know quite a bit about my sex life. We joke about things all the time. My mother a little more than my father. My dad's a little straight laced about sex, and while he probably wouldn't be offended by some of my actions, he probably doesn't want to know either.
- My mom does because my step-sister (at the time) shouted it out through the whole house the day after it happened (which was with a friend of hers).
- See above.
- Yep. All the time.
- Yep. But not for 15 years or so. In fact, about 15 years ago, when I was dating the girl who has become my wife I came downstairs one evening to find my mother and her boyfriend laughing hysterically. It seems the guest bedroom in which my girlfriend and I were staying was directly above a chandelier and the activities above had caused the chandelier to start shaking.
My parents were hippies, and to some extent they still are.