Originally Posted by reconmike
Question #1 No Clinton allowed UN inspectors to be thrown out of Iraq without a response, leaving the US and the Holy UN without any knowledge as to his WMD status.
Oh if only it were that simple. I guess you don't remember the endless bombings of Iraq in the 90s by a certian liberal president. I guess you don't remember him going after and proclaiming OBL a threat, only to be met with a perss that wanted blood for seamen. I also guess you don't remember the countless times weapons inspectors WERE allowed into Iraq and found jack.
Originally Posted by reconmike
Question # 2 Can you say Echelon? I knew you could.
What are you talking about? Echelon? What echelon? Do you mean that the president is on such a high echelon that he is above the law?
Originally Posted by reconmike
And I brought Clinton up for the sole reason that when Bush does something that Slick Willie did he is a dictator taking away rights but it was perfectly ok for the slick one to do it.
Slick Willie didn't spy on Americans and bypass a legal requirement like getting a FISA warrent. Slick Willie didn't invade Iraq and mislead congress to get support for said invasion.
Again, Clinton wasn't a perfect president, but standing next to dubbuyuh, he sure is. Bush has made any indescretions or mistakes made by Clinton pale in comparison to his own massive blunders and vendettas.