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Old 01-19-2007, 02:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: at home
Recurring nightmares

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post, so please mods, feel free to move it. It started out as a journal entry, then I put it here because I really need some insight.

This is really hard for me to post in a public forum, because it kind of seems like I'm exposing my whole life and all my insecurities. Plus I'll probably look like a total quack, but here goes.

I've been having this recurring nightmare lately. It seems as though it's been going on for a month or so, but it's hard to tell. Sometimes I wake up from it, sometimes I don't. Tonight I did, shaking and terrified.

I'm in a small town of some kind, alone. SO is not there, my son is not there. At 4:30 every day, the sun starts going down, and demons come out. They reach at you from the dark. If they get you, they take a bit of you with them.

There's a building that I go to a lot in this dream... it's really the only one I remember. My first day in this town, I was hurrying to get home from work/school/whatever, the sun was going down. I remembered thinking "Wow it gets dark here soon". Then I realized commotion around me. Doors slamming and locking, and these figures moving around. At first that's what it seems like... later I see that they seem to be people moving very quickly... spirits. Not necessarily dead though. I started running to get to my home, and one girl is getting ready to shut the doors to the building. She called to me to get inside, "Hurry, they'll get you!!!!". "What?" "I'll explain, come on!!!" She grabs me and pulls me inside.

She continues to tell me about these creatures. I don't remember really anything about what she said. Just that they come out at 430 every day when the sun starts going down. If you want to be protected, you need to stay in a well-lit place. They can reach from the shadows, but it doesn't have to be completely dark for them to touch you. If they get you, they take something from you. It was unclear exactly what it is that they take. They can get you inside of your house, but you're more protected from them if you get your doors and windows shut and locked by 430.

This building is (I believe) a book store of some kind. It's huge. One room (I believe). This girl runs tours through the building at night. I think she's crazy, or way too confident, because of course at this point I'm TERRIFIED. 'Why did I move to this place, what am I doing here? I want to go home!' Plus, these things do have the capability of killing.

She and I end up getting along, I take a job in this store. It's the brightest place during the day, which somehow gives me comfort. One day I started asking more questions. I decided that it was time for me to get over this huge fear and confront it. Now, the deal with her tours is that the front of the store is always brightly lit. There's also a section set up in the front with (if I recall correctly) a cross and a few candles. I keep thinking there was something etched, but I don't know what it was. She told me that if I wanted to confront it and felt ready that I could be responsible for keeping the front of the store lit while she did her tour. She also took me to the section that had the cross and told me it was safe, that I had to forgive myself and obey God. I had no idea what she meant. She threw a small glass of something at me. I don't think it was water, it may have been wine, but I'm not sure at all. She said "You're already forgiven, just forgive yourself". I asked her what I was supposed to do there to be safe and she told me that when the time came I would know.

I decided to man the front of the store that night. I kept thinking about what I was supposed to do if I had to go to that area. Something happened, I got terrified, and I couldn't take it anymore. I went over there and tried so hard to figure out what I needed to do. I tried praying, and I couldn't get anything more than "Oh God..." out of my mouth. Words wouldn't even come to mind. I was stuck. I was trying so hard and it felt like there was something not allowing the words to come. I freaked out and left. It was (conveniently) turning 430. I ran down the street, don't know how far I got. I remember these shadows reaching out at me and I kept just out of their reach. I somehow ended up at the house of a couple that I haven't seen in probably four years (IRL). I don't know how they got into my dream. They were a couple from our old ward in church, and friends of my parents. I haven't had any connection to them in years, other than seeing the man for a few minutes a few weeks ago when he dropped something off for my dad while I was over.

I made it to their house just as they were shutting the doors. They saw me coming and let me in, of course knew who I was. As they were shutting the doors, three of these demons got in too. We stayed in a brightly lit room with a large bed. I remember them being welcoming to me, but at the same time got the feeling that I was intruding, that they had plans that I was interrupting. I remember collapsing on their bed in tears, telling them that I needed their help. "I can't take it anymore, please, I don't know what to do. I just want to go home, I don't know how people stay here, I can't do this anymore" etc. At this point these demons, or shadows, or whatever can't get to me because the room's too bright.

Suddenly I'm standing on their stairs, I don't know how I got there but I was on my way up, and hauling ass to stay out of reach of these... things. (I don't know if this was as we were on our way to their room or if I'd left the room for something) I noticed that they had human form, but when they moved, they moved very quickly and seemed like shadows. Also when they reached, their shapes stretched some. It's hard to describe.

I don't recall at what point this happened, but one of them grabbed my wrist. My right wrist. It was a man, actually I believe it was someone I knew in high school. Our relationship was kind of a love/hate. We loved to hate each other, and it's kind of how we got along. He actually had a grip on it. I couldn't touch him, I'd go right through him, but he had a grip on me. I was so upset that I screamed at him. "GO AWAY!! WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING ME? I DON'T WANT YOU HERE, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I tore my arm out of his grip and hauled ass to the room where the couple was.

What felt in the dream as a bit later (so I guess there's a chunk of time missing or something), I was asking them "Have either of you ever had that happen before?".

There's something that had to have happened that I don't remember, because I woke up shaking. I've been up since then. I think it's been two hours now.

Since I've been having these dreams, I've even had a bit of a fear of the dark, which is totally embarrasing to admit. Little things make me jump, like walking through the house to feed the baby in the middle of the night and noticing a shape on the floor, which ends up being the cat. Stuff like that. I didn't really link the two together until tonight.

My SO's been having weird dreams too but he doesn't really remember them. He says it just feels like something bad has happened, "like someone kicked my dog".

I don't know what to do. I've tried analyzing this, and so has he. I've gotta shake it. Ideas, anyone?

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly-Rose Franken
....absence makes me miss him more...
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