As far as "top dog" goes........

we aren't and may never be again.
"Top dogs" lead by example and don't have to attack just to attack (as we did in Iraq).
"Top dogs" set standards and keep them...... look at our country the only standard we have is getting so far in debt our great grandchildren will be working to pay it off.
"Top dogs" don't have to stand around telling everyone how they are "top dog" everyone else already knows.
"Top dogs" help the weak, knowing that someday when they get strong they'll make great allies. We exploit the weak, take their resources, keep in power dictatorial, power hungry, hated leaders (Shah of Iran, Marcos, even Saddam, etc) and when the people revolt in those countries as they have.... we don't understand why they hate us so much.
But most of all "Top dogs" don't allow themselves to get soft in the middle and not advance..... we allowed other countries to pass us, economically, educationally, mentally, and so on. The ONLY 2 things this country has that keep people from treating us like a second rate country are the nuclear missiles and our consumption that is putting us farther and farther into debt.
If a "Top Dog" leads only by fear...... he is destined to not only be killed but slaughtered and used as an example.
Ace, you keep wanting to be Top Dog but all you want to do is lead by fear and might...... that only brings forth hatred and spawns violence, it's never a long run at the top when you lead by fear.
When you lead by example, when you lead and strive to keep leading but help the weak to advance..... you stay leader a hell of a lot longer and you inspire everyone else to be the positive you are.
Positive energy begets positive results........ negative energy begets negative results both build exponentially and both are equally as powerful.... positive energy flows and spreads through positive results and creates beauty..... negative energy condenses, spreads through fear, hatred and poor leadership, destroys anything of beuaty and replaces it with ugliness.
If we are "Top Dog" then the leaders of our country set the world tone..... gee, corruption, power hungry, rich men, who are trying to squeeze everything they can get out of the rind, so that when the rest of the country spoils they have their safety nets.
Yep...... we're in good hands.
Edit: Upon re-reading this there are 2 things so I am changing the above statement;
"The ONLY thing this country has that keeps people from treating us like a second rate country are the nuclear missiles."
to this:
"The ONLY 2 things this country has that keep people from treating us like a second rate country are the nuclear missiles and our greedy, mass comercialized consumption that is putting us farther and farther into debt."