Immediate investigations into each and every American company rebuilding Iraq. After confirming they are all cutting corners and cheating, fire them and put the appropriate people on trial. Hire Iraqi firms to rebuild Iraq.
Compact our military presence. All soldiers will be in very large groups in heavily fortified positions. No more BS walking up and down the streets. If there is a disturbance, a shitload of troops are sent to take care of it, and then they come back to their fortified positions. After it's clear that casualties are decreasing, then we stat a withdrawl over the next 8 months. The troops that remain will be stricktly for training Iraqi police.
We apologize to the Iraqi people, we apologize to our allies, we apologize to the UN, and we agree to purchase at a fair price oil from Iraq if they can maintain peace. If they can't get their shit together, we don't buy their oil anymore and we convince as many of our allies as possible to do the same. Give them positive reinforcement.