I'll give my two cents about the burn and scabbing as well.
Scabbing creates scarring. Period. So, a scab, though it is our bodies natural protection from infection, might not be the way to go. The only way to reduce scabbing is to keep the area moist, and/or remove the scabs. When I was 17, my father had a really bad motorcycle accident that removed a great deal of skin from NUMEROUS places of his body. While he was in the hospital, they would DAILY take him to the hot tub, sponge him down, and then scrub....that's right SCRUB the scabs off his wounds with something like a loufa sponge. He said they did it to try and keep new skin growth coming in and to prevent scarring.
Now, I'm not sure I'd be so extreme if I were you, but keeping clean guaze on the wound and dressing it probably twice a day with liberal application of aloe vera and/or a neosporin type ointment is probably good advice.
Now, as for the show... just wear sexy gloves!
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero