RE: <a href="">aceventura3's post #115 on Maybe more of a vent than debate.. THREAD</a>
I thought that this is a better place to respond to aceventura3's challenge at the link above.
My exchanges with ace, last september, reinforce what dc_dux observed in the
"Maybe more of a vent than debate.. THREAD". Facts do not persuade ace to budge an inch from what he believes. Direct contradictions of findings of fact by SSCI phase II and the 2004 Duelfer WMD report, to what Cheney and Bush said as recently as in Aug. and Sept., 2006, do not sway ace, in the least.
The reality that, in summer 2006, Bush and Cheney still can be observed, on the website archived pages....justifying invading and occupying Iraq by linking Saddam to al-Zarqawi, and by stating that Saddam had, or was making, or could make, or wanted to make WMD, long after the evidence presented both by Duelfer and the SSCI, clearly shows only the last accusation to be not completely false and/or misleading.....does not sway aceventura3 from believing that the Bush policy of pre-emption is correct and legal.
The justification for invading Iraq in 2003 are pealed away to the last Bush Cheney justification; the presumption that Saddam wanted to reconstitute his pre-1991 WMD and CBW programs....because, as ace noted in the post linked above, Bush said
......We also must never forget the most vivid events of recent history. On September the 11th, 2001, America felt its vulnerability -- even to threats that gather on the other side of the earth. We resolved then, and we are resolved today, to confront every threat, from any source, that could bring sudden terror and suffering to America........
....and that is it....for ace, no example(s) of Bush or Cheney lying or deliberately misleading the world as to their justifications for invading Iraq can weaken, to any degree, Bush's solemn vow to "confront any threat, from any source......
ace never responded to my last post here, just above Marv's....and he certainly showed in our exchanges on this page that it mattered not that Cheney lied about al-Zarqawi and Kermal, or that five days after 9/11, Cheney told Tim Russert that the US had Saddam "bottled up".
It matters not that Bush chose to grind down US ground forces in Iraq, a place where there were no Islamic Fascist butcher killers in the area controlled by Saddam, dictator of a famously secular regime, or that Bush ignored the growing threat posed by North Korea, and actually accelerated that country's program to produce nuclear weapons grade plutonium, vs. the predicted 20 years that prgram would have taken under the Bush abandoned accord that the US reached with North Korea in 1994.
ace cannot justify his tolerance for US leaders who tell us lies to justify pre-emptive war against neutralized, or at best, nations who are inconsequential threats, while they do nothing to forcefully pre-empt, or confront nations who actually demonstrate a growing aggressive, nuclear threat, so........???