Originally Posted by Seaver
I disagree. Dead Rising, Elder Scrolls: Oblivian, Fight Night 3, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, and numerous others have taken MANY hours of my free time. All of these are great games, and If I'm correct you can not get any of these on the other platforms (PC not counting). In a few months Halo 3 is coming out, and I hear the Final Fantasies are going to be 360, not PS3.
I'm not saying the 360 is perfect, however comparing it to my friend's PS3 I'm glad my room mate got the 360 instead.
Oblivion is on the PC and shortly to be on PS3. The other games you mentioned were pretty "meh" in my opinion. Let's not get this thread to start about Halo 3 (IMO the Halo series is god awful). Also, whoever told you the Final Fantasies are going to be on the 360 is totally mistaken. FFXIII, FFXIII Vs. and the next FF MMO(which might be slated also for the 360 but that's a might) are all slated for the PS3. Not to mention they are writing an entire engine, the White Engine, for future Final Fantasies and other Square Enix games leads me to believe that Square-Enix is in it for the long-haul. There will be a Final Fantasy for the Wii, however, but it will be a sequel to Crystal Chronicles from the Gamecube. Square-Enix knows that the Xbox has never sold well in Japan (where the Final Fantasies are most popular) so I highly doubt they will be going that route.
The PS3 is just trying to shake it's birthing pains, just like the 360 had to. You can't even really compare them since the 360 has been out for over a year and the PS3 only two months. Yet the PS3 has already had at least one great, console selling game and the 360 took a long time to get one of those out there. Just give the PS3 some time.
And I don't want people to think that I am bashing the 360, because I'm not, I want to have all three systems in my possession soon (can't wait for Gears of War and Two Worlds), I just think that people are not giving the PS3 the respect it deserves. The quality of the system is amazing and the games will follow shortly.