1) so do PCs.. BOTH Mac and PCs use drivers though, thats just simple computer basics.
2) So do PCs. The difference is Macs are sold by Apple. PCs are sold by thousands of different distributors. Results may vary if you're a cheapass. You can get what you need with a PC, though. Macs, however, have a far more limited suit of available applications.
3) Macs are seen as stable because of point #2. When you put a PC together the way Macs are, using hardware linked by specific compatibility, its just as stable.
4) False. There are *fewer* - far fewer, in fact. For the simple fact that there are far fewer Macs. They are not wide spread in any way because there aren't enough Macs to reliably spread a virus.
5) Windows has equivalents in XP, even more so in Vista.
6) Apple sells rigid style, not power.